Monday, July 16, 2012

Funny Log - Maine Edition

Since we didn't really have much access to the internet, we kept a log of all of the funny things said while we were in Maine.  Enjoy:


Emma:  Are we there yet?  (Said about 2 miles from our house on the way to Maine).


Emma:  Can I have a hug Daddy?
Mike:  Not right now Emma.  I can't.  I'm driving.
Emma:  Mommy, can you hug me?
Carina:  I'm sorry honey.  I can't get to you right now either.  We're in the car.
Emma:  Can we have a group hug when we get to Maine?


Maine in July is full of bugs, and this year was especially bad.  We taught Emma that when a bug is bothering her, to just shoo them away by blowing at them.  She apparently decided to apply this tactic to everything that ever bothers her.  So while in the car...

Emma:  River!  River get off of me!  Mommy, River keeps putting her head in my lap!
Carina:  Emma, you're going to have to share the car with River.  
Emma:  But it's hard to blow away the dogs!


Emma:  Hey Mommy?
Carina?  Yeah?
Emma:  You're Princess Mommy!
Carina:  Uh....ok...


Carina:  This clementine tastes like an orange slurpee.  It tastes like summer.


Emma:  Mommy, you're such a drama queen.  I love you, even when you're pushy.


Emma:  When I grow up, I'm not gunna be funny.  I'm gunna be a painter.


Carina:  (Whistling.)
Mike:  Are you whistling "Moves Like Jagger"?
Carina:  No.
Mike:  Well now you are!
Carina:  (Punches Mike.)


Emma:  When I'm 10-years-old and I grow up, I'm going to cook chicken fingers every day!


1 comment:

  1. Regarding Carina being a drama queen: Out of the mouths of babes...

    Regarding whistling "Moves like Jagger", all I have to say to that is: How bizarre.
